Tuesday 29 May 2007

First blog here...

Well, I figure I'll shift from Myspace to here, just to see what it's like. In the meantime, read my story so far at http://blog.myspace.com/drivaaar. I'm still sorting out the look of this place...

Chris Ryall of IDW Publishing is going to be signing at a comic store in London on Saturday June 9th, so I'm heading there for the day to try and influence me getting some freelance colouring work, maybe maybe.

Sod all else happening at the moment really. I was quite pleased to pick up Robocop on DVD today. "Can you fly Bobby!" Fnaaaar. Love it.

My legs are in bits. I don't know what I've done to them, but they are just aching. Urgh...

Another TV Show threatens to suck me in... this time it's Heroes. The World and it's mum have been raving about this show for aaaages, but I finally stumbled across three or four episodes in a row on Sci Fi and well... shit, it's actually really really excellent. Blast it!!